Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday's Hero: George Whitefield

The story of George Whitefield is very inspirational.

God used this man
as an open-air evangelist. He was a real hero.

I hope you enjoy reading the story of George Whitefield for kids.

You can also take a 6 question Quiz

Here are some questions for you to answer.

  • Why did George's mother think it was important for him to get an education?
  • What was it that George's teachers didn't like about him? How did he use this unique gift later as a preacher?
  • Why do you think George became such a popular preacher? Do you think any of the established churches changed their minds about different styles of preaching?
  • Being "born again" (see John 3) means accepting Jesus and becoming a part of the family of God. This is also known as becoming a Christian. Are you a Christian? How do you know?
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