Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday's Ministry - Camping Treat Bags

Before your next camping trip, you can make Treat Bags to pass out to kids in the campground.

Here are some things that you can include in each plastic sandwich baggie:

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Fun - Family Mission Statement

Here are a couple activities that you can do for family night.

Write a Family Mission Statement

God has a unique mission for your family. The Christian-Parent site has ideas and a sample statement to help your family write it's mission statement.

Make a Snack Mix

6 cups Crispix cereal
1 can (10 oz.) mixed nuts
1 package (10 oz.) pretzel sticks
3/4 cup margarine
3/4 cup packed brown sugar

In a large bowl, combine the cereal, nuts, and pretzels. In a small saucepan, over low heat, melt butter. Add brown sugar; cook and stir until dissolved. Pour over cereal mixture; stir to coat. Place a third of the mixture on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 325 degrees for 8 minutes; stir and bake for 6 minutes more. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Repeat with remaining mixture.

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday Worship - Cover the Earth

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday's Hero: John Newton

The story of John Newton is very inspirational.

God used this man
as a pastor and to write 300 hymns. He was a real hero.

I hope you enjoy reading the story of John Newton for kids.

You can also take a 6 question Quiz

Here are some questions for you to answer.

  • John Newton spent much of his childhood free to do as he pleased. He later spent some of his adult years in a form of slavery. Which of these experiences do you think caused him to become the most hardened?
  • How is John Newton's story similar to the Biblical account of Jonah? How did their near-death experience affect each of them?
  • Are you surprised that even though John Newton had been captured and made a slave of a Navy ship, he still participated in the cruel slave trade? Why do you think it took so many years for him to change his mind about slavery?
  • Can you write your own new verse to "Amazing Grace"? What personal experiences would you reference in your verse?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Monday, June 23, 2008

Ministry Monday - Drop Your Wallet

Here's an easy way to witness for Jesus while you are on vacation or going to summer events and fairs.

These wallets are actually gospel tracts. On the inside, they tell ab
out Jesus. Just leave them around and you will be witnessing for Jesus. 100 Wallet Tracts cost $12

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Fun - Comic: In the Beginning

Here is a neat Online Comic called In the Beginning

This comic tells the truth about how the world began.

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday Worship - What a Mighty God We Serve

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday's Hero: Adoniram Judson

The story of Adoniram Judson is very inspirational.

God used this man
as the first Christian missionary from the United States. He went to Burma. He was a real hero.

I hope you enjoy reading the story of Adoniram Judson for kids.

You can also take a 6 question Quiz

Here are some questions for you to answer.

  • Judson told people about Jesus all the time, but it took six years until the first person accepted Jesus. Have you ever prayed for someone for years before you saw an answer? How did you feel?
  • Do you know anyone who believes in God, but doesn't believe that God cares about them? How can you help them to understand that God does care?
  • Considering all the difficulties the Judson's faced in Burma, would you say that God blessed their lives? How about when you consider that 7,000 believers were baptized into the family of God as a result of their work?
  • II Corinthians 4:18 says, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." How does this verse relate to the story of Adoniram Judson?
  • How old do you think a child must be in order to understand the Gospel and become a Christian?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Monday, June 16, 2008

Ministry Monday - 4th of July Treat Bags

These July 4th Kid's Tracts are out of stock right now, but you can think about this idea for next year.

It is fun to give out treat bags to kids. And it is really simple to do.

  • Put one tract into a small zipper sandwich bag.
  • Add some candy - like taffy (sold in bags at Wal-mart).
  • You can include your church's business card, too.
  • Then pass them out to kids on the 4th of July.

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Fun - Kids Answers Website

The Answers in Genesis ministry has a website for kids. It is called:

Kids Answers
At this site, you can:
  • read online magazine articles about creation
  • learn about animals
  • watch videos
  • do activities

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday's Ministry - Get Ready for VBS

School is almost out for the summer and churches are busy planning Vacation Bible School for the kids.

VBS is an exciting event for churches. They love doing this for the kids and telling new kids about Jesus. Your help is really needed to make Vacation Bible School a successful evangelistic outreach to the community. Here are some things that you can do to help with VBS:

  • Bring your non-Christian friends to VBS
  • Pray that kids will learn about Jesus, make decisions to become Christians, that they will bring their parents to church
  • Volunteer to help set up, lead groups or activities
  • Advertise to your community that all kids are invited to VBS

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Fun - Share Cookies

Make up dozens of cookies (or pies).
Go for a family walk and deliver bags of cookies to your neighbors.

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday's Ministry - Read-a-thon

This summer, you can help Christian organizations by doing your own Read-a-thon.

Get sponsors to pledge you for every book that you read. When you're done, send the pledge money to your favorite Christian organization.

You could even ask your friends to participate in the read-a-thon.

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion

Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show