Here is a neat Online Comic called The Little Ghost.
This comic is about a boy named Joey. He dresses up as a ghost and ends up learning about Jesus.
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday Fun - Comic:The Little Ghost
Labels: Fun
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday Prayer - Petition
Pray Kids is a Christian magazine put out by NavPress. They offer a free sample of the 8 page magazine called Petition
Print the magazine. Then, find a quiet place to read or get your family and read it together.
Take time to Memorize a Verse.
1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
Here are some questions that you can answer and discuss.
- Did the story by Elizabeth Winger encourage you to pray when you feel God urging you to do so?
- What was your favorite part in the story - Praying Like Crazy?
- How did you pray for Military Families?
- What new thing did you learn - about petitioning God for His help and guidance?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Prayer
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday Worship - Tell the World
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Worship
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday Hero - Martin Luther
The story of Martin Luther is very inspirational.
God used this man to reform the Roman Catholic Church. He was a real hero.
I hope you enjoy reading the story of Martin Luther for kids.
You can also take a 6 question Online Quiz.
Here are some questions for you to answer.
- Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses in order to begin a debate on topics he felt strongly about. What modern topics would be good to debate?
- Luther was especially inspired by Mary's song, the "Magnificat." Do you have a particular song that inspires you?
- Can you describe some of Martin Luther's defining moments?
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Christian Hero
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday Ministry - Halloween Evangelism
Don't miss out on easy ways to evangelize this Halloween:
- Get tracts from a Christian book store and distribute them with candy to trick-or-treaters. You can also print out the Are You a Good Person? comic tract on your own home printer. (I have printed them in just black and white and have given them away.) Creepy Cash Tracts, Tracts
- Pass out tracts and candy in public places. (You can even offer free face painting.)
- Tell the neighbor kids about the local church harvest party or carnival on October 31st. (For many churches, this is one of the biggest evangelistic outreaches of the year. They just need others to help get the kids to come.)
- Invite kids over for a Harvest/Halloween party on Saturday. Have a pumpkin object lesson, play harvest games, make a scarecrow tract craft, and serve scarecrow cupcakes.
- Deliver pumpkin pies and tracts to neighbors.
- Make up your own cards (business card size) with the website and give them to trick-or-treaters.
- Email: Tell kids about this online Halloween comic for Kids - The Little Ghost
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Serving Jesus
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday Fun - Comic: Poor Little Lamb
Here is a neat Online Comic called Poor Little Lamb
This comic is about the first Passover. It also tells about Moses warning Pharaoh to let the Jewish people go free.
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Fun
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday Prayer - Seeking God
Pray Kids is a Christian magazine put out by NavPress. They offer a free sample of the 8 page magazine called Seeking God
Print the magazine. Then, find a quiet place to read or get your family and read it together.
Take time to Memorize a Verse.
James 4:8a "Come close to God, and God will come close to you."
Here are some questions that you can answer and discuss.
- Did the story by 10-year-old David Sutton encourage you to praise away the doubts?
- What was your favorite part in the story - The Guy Who Just Wouldn't Leave?
- How did you pray for Christian Athletes?
- What new thing did you learn - about seeking God?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Prayer
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday Worship - Trading My Sorrows
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Worship
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tuesday Hero - Augustine
The story of Augustine is very inspirational.
This man was a famous Christian thinker and writer. He was a real hero.
I hope you enjoy reading the story of Augustine for kids.
You can also take a 6 question Online Quiz.
Here are some questions for you to answer.
- It was many years before Augustine's mother's prayers were answered. What have you been persistent in praying for?
- Have you experienced times when God's answers to your prayers were better than the answers you were hoping for?
- Augustine's mother and his friend Alypius both shared their faith with him. Are there people in your life who have shared their faith with you?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Christian Hero
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday Ministry - Help an Older Person
- Mow their lawn.
- Help out around their house or yard.
- Your family could drive the person to church.
- Go to their house for a visit.
- Help with the groceries.
- Join them for a walk.
- Ask the person how you can help?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Serving Jesus
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday Fun - Discuss the Bible and Prayer
A Family Night Idea: Discuss the Importance of reading the Bible and praying.
I like visiting Christian blogs, reading Christian books, and listening to Christian radio stations. All of these things teach me more about Jesus.
However, my pastor reminded me that these Christian things do not replace reading the Bible and praying. It is more important that we read the Bible; it is God's word. It is our Christian instruction manual, telling us the best way to live. Prayer also needs to be a priority, because it is the time when we actually talk to God.
I don't want to just know about Jesus, I want to have a personal relationship with Him. That means that I must spend more time with Him - reading the Bible and praying to Him.
- Make a chart recording your daily Bible reading and prayer.
- Set a special time each day to pray and read the Bible.
- Listen to an Audio Version of the Bible
- Use the Kid's Prayer Calendar
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Family Night, Fun
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday Prayer - The Word on Agreement
Pray Kids is a Christian magazine put out by NavPress. They offer a free sample of the 8 page magazine called The Word on Agreement
Print the magazine. Then, find a quiet place to read or get your family and read it together.
Take time to Memorize a Verse.
Matthew 18:19-20 For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.
Here are some questions that you could answer.
- Did the Fire story by Bill Walton encourage you to agree with others in prayer?
- What was your favorite part in the story - A Journey Through the Danger Zone?
- How did you pray for Hindus?
- What new thing did you learn - about agreeing in prayer?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Prayer
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday Worship - Oh, I Want to Know You More
Do you want to know Jesus better?
It's easy to do. You can learn more about Him when:
- You read your Bible.
- Talk to Him through out the day.
- Listen to what pastors teach about Him.
- Sing to Him.
- Sit quietly and think about Him.
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Worship
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday Hero - Harriet Tubman
The story of Harriet Tubman is very inspirational.
God used this woman to help free slaves. She was a real hero.
I hope you enjoy reading the story of Harriet Tubman for kids.
You can also take a 6 question Online Quiz.
Here are some questions for you to answer.
- She willingly risked both her freedom and her life so that others could be free from slavery. What do you think motivated her to take such risks?
- Many people risked their lives to help slaves. How was their opinion of slavery different from the opinion of the slave owners?
- Harriet was known as the "Moses of her people." What parts of her story remind you of Moses?
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Christian Hero
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday Ministry - Operation Christmas Child
Every Christmas, Samaritan's Purse, sends out filled shoe boxes with gifts and Gospel booklets to poor children throughout the world. You can help by filling a shoe box. Your church my be interested in being a community collection site for filled shoe boxes.
Get the detailed instructions for how to pack an Operation Christmas Child shoe box.
Shoe box gift ideas:
- small toys (car, ball, doll, stuffed animal, jump rope)
- hygiene items (toothbrush and paste, comb, washcloth)
- school supplies (pencil, sharpener, crayons, markers, paper)
- hard candy, lollipops, gum, mints
- T-shirts, socks, ball caps
- hair clips, toy jewelry, sunglasses
Turn in your filled shoe box to a collection site in mid November.

Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Serving Jesus
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday Fun - Down Gilead Lane Show
Have you heard of the Down Gilead Lane Show?
It is a Christian radio drama for kids made by CBH Ministries. Each episode contains good morals and Biblical truth. It may be on your local Christian radio station, but you can also Listen Online.
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Fun
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday Prayer - Spiritual Warfare
Pray Kids is a Christian magazine put out by NavPress. They offer a free sample of the 8 page magazine called Spiritual Warfare - Born to Fight
Print the magazine. Then, find a quiet place to read or get your family and read it together.
Take time to Memorize a Verse.
Luke 10:19 (Jesus said) “I have given you authority to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”
Here are some questions that you can answer or discuss.
- Did the story by 10-year-old Allyson encourage you to fight the enemy through prayer?
- What was your favorite part in the story - Showdown at the River?
- How did you pray for Animists?
- What new thing did you learn about spiritual warfare?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Prayer
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wednesday Worship - Books of the Bible
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Worship
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday Hero - Nate Saint
The story of Nate Saint is very inspirational.
This man served God as a missionary pilot. He was a real hero.
I hope you enjoy reading the story of Nate Saint for kids.
You can also take a 6 question Online Quiz
Here are some questions for you to answer.
- How do you think the other missionaries had enough courage to go and live among the Aucas?
- Have you ever done anything for God that you were scared to do?
- What inventions do you think have been the most useful for helping to spread the Gospel around the world?
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Christian Hero
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday Ministry - Appreciate Your Pastor
October is Pastor Appreciation Month.
Special Delivery - Deliver donuts or pizza, when the pastors are at the church office working.
Homemade Treats - What homemade treats does your pastor love to eat? Pie? Fudge? Cookies? Cinnamon rolls? Make your pastor something good to eat?
Make Banners - A group of kids can make banners and decorations that express their love for the pastor.
Pray for Your Pastor - Get a prayer group together to pray for your pastor and his family.
Write Your Appreciation - Express your appreciation through a letter or card.
Respond to the Sermon - Really hear what your pastor is preaching and commit yourself to respond and apply what you’ve learned. If it makes a positive difference in your life, let your pastor know. He preaches for a reason. He is happy when he finds out that the people at church apply what he is teaching.
Volunteer - When the pastor is trying to recruit volunteers, show that you support him and his visions by volunteering. Commit to being an active participant in your church. How can you volunteer at church.
Do a Skit - A group of kids can perform a skit at an appreciation party for the pastor.
Surprise Party - Throw a surprise party for your pastor. Give him a special gift, and maybe even some gag gifts.
Cleaning Day - Organize and recruit families to clean at the pastor’s house. Make a list of jobs that need to be done. Ask the pastor to add jobs to the list, too. Volunteers can: wash his car, vacuum the car, mow the lawn, pull weeds, prune trees, clean the garage, wash the outside of the windows, put on a new roof, paint the house, baby sit that night while the pastor and his wife go out for dinner.
Here are even more ideas.
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Serving Jesus
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday Fun - Comic:The Fool
Here is a neat Online Comic Called The Fool
A court jester tries to find a bigger fool than himself.
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Fun
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday Prayer - Spending Time With Jesus
Pray Kids is a Christian magazine put out by NavPress. They offer a free sample of the 8 page magazine called Spending Time With Jesus - The Big Dig
Print the magazine. Then, find a quiet place to read or get your family and read it together.
Take time to Memorize a Verse.
Psalm 34:1 "I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises."
Here are some questions that you could answer.
- Did the story about the 5 to 13-year-old prayerwalkers inspire you?
- What was your favorite part in the story - Grandpa Moses and His Mysterious Veil?
- How did you pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
- How are you going to spend time with Jesus?
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Prayer
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday Worship - The Bug Song
Keys for Kids
Daily Devotion
Adventures in Odyssey
Online Radio Show
Labels: Worship